Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Aren't brains brilliant!
Saturday, 27 June 2009
more feedback
Really pleased to get some more feedback in this week and I have posted it below. It really makes it worthwhile when I hear that people have been able to take the techniques and apply them and take their climbing up another level.
“Its been just over a week since the course and as usual I have been mulling all the things over that I learnt. Initially I wasn't sure if it had helped me as I seemed to be shying away from leading again!. I was making excuses about the weather and feeling tired ( all valid reasons but not entirely true). But it was this monday just gone that was the real boost I needed. I was climbing on the Orme with my husband. Again my thoughts were of not wanting to really lead but I was happy to second stuff. I kept looking at this route Bauxed which I had seconded a few weeks ago and led with the gear in few years ago. I wasnt happy that the first piece of gear was quite a way up but managed to find a canny thread! I still wasn't going to lead it. And this is where the lovelyiness starts. My husband was so encouraging. He said that my climbing had really improved, that the route was well within my capabilities, that I was climbing like a leader now rather than a second as i was taking far more time to look around and work moves out. This really gave me a big boost. He has never discouraged me or rubbished my climbing but these words really helped.
So I set of to lead the route! I was so much calmer and even when he started talking to these two youngsters whilst belaying I reminded him once to watch and refocused on the climb. It was brilliant. I really concentrated on my breathing, slowing my actions down, looking around for gear and the next moves and before I knew it i was near the top and the crux moves. I started to get anxious but after breathing and looking around for that confidence boosting bit of gear i rehearsed the moves in my mind and set off. I did better than when I last seconded it. I even paused at the top to take it all in and savour the feeling. I felt totally chuffed with myself and not because of the grade because of how great it all felt. It was stunning evening with fantastic views of the Isle of Man big grins all round.
I was out again with on Dinas Mot and again I was able to really put some of the techniques into practice. It was great to be climbing and enjoying the movement and flow. The self talk seems to be more positive or else I'm refocusing quicker. I'm looking forward to the weekend and I'm sure I will still have some anxieties - this is ok and natural – climbing’s dangerous! So a big thanks to the 'Smart Climbing' workshop.”
Please tell us what you thought of:
Bryn’s ropework and rescue workshop?
"Very good and very useful. It helped to consolidate info learnt on previous course’s as well as introducing news tips and technique’s. A day would have been even more useful with tips and advice on rope work whilst climbing. I’ve been out practicing some of the skills learnt with great success."
"V. useful. Personally – I need lots of work in this area, it takes me a while to absorb technical stuff – so I would have liked a longer session, in order to practice more"
Rebecca’s psychological skills workshop?
"Excellent. A lot of what was said made sense and was very helpful. I found the mindfulness and the re-focusing particularly useful as I’m always listening to the negative self talk and letting it take over. I have since found some of the techniques useful in a number of situations, and was really chuffed with how calm I stayed whilst on a difficult route recently. The length of the workshop was about right also."
"V. good. Lots of time to dig underneath fears and concerns, and I liked the practical tips for managing same. I wish I had taken notes, but I will make good use of supporting information provided, and notice that you also have information on your website to use"
Lucy’s movement and techniques workshop?
"This was another useful workshop which again help consolidate and hone previous skill’s. It would have perhaps been a little more beneficial if there was more time for constructive feed back after climbing a few routes either indoors or on a single pitch trad route."
"Good but would have liked more practice at specific techniques, particularly climbing more overhanging terrain e.g. Egyptians etc"
Victoria’s yoga workshops?
"Excellent if a little painful at times! Really helpful to put the yoga into a climbing context and highlight the importance of stretching and increasing flexibility. Would really like to continue with this and have tried to use some of the positions learnt."
"Very stretchy! I like yoga anyhow, and am quite bendy so enjoyed the sessions! New type of yoga for me, so interesting"
Falling off practice?
"EEK! Despite my huge anxiety about this I did find it helpful but feel that it is something to keep practicing. I felt the discussion before hand helped put the practical more into context and didn’t feel pressured to take great falls straight away."
"This is a difficult area for me – so found this session useful. Not sure I completely overcame my hang ups about it, but the singing technique helped me to relax!"
Lizzy’s injury prevention workshop?
"Interesting and useful. It highlighted how poor I am at looking after my aches and pains and I really need to take proper care and seek appropriate help and advice sooner. The workshop could have been a little more interactive though I’m not sure how."
"I like Lizzy’s relaxed style of imparting information. This session came at the end of the first day so I was quite tired and didn’t absorb as much, plus the room was very cold. Perhaps more interactive session with half the session based on practical stuff for increasing resilience/preventing injury (maybe introduce nutritional elements too?) and half the session based on actual problem solving for members of the group (I know this may be difficult without actual hands on consultation, but general guidance might help??"
"I really enjoyed the slide show with Colin Goody on Saturday night. He was so interesting to listen to and such an inspiration. I was good to be reminded how climbing can and has broadened the scope for other brilliant outdoor activities. I think you have a unique course and was really impressed with the holistic approach as so often climbing gets lost in just number crunching with the emphasis being how hard you climb! There so much more than that. Thanks loads to you all. :0)"
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Some feedback
Food and accommodation
Relaxing after a great workshop!

Its been extraordinarily busy in the run up to the open workshop which finally came to fruition last weekend. Twelve climbers aged between their twenties and fifties attended a packed weekend, covering technique, ropework, falling practise, yoga, anxiety management, body awareness and injury prevention and management, as well as some serious cake eating and an evening lecture by local septegenarian climber Colin Goodey!
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Finalising workshop plans !
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Late night descent

On Tuesday eve a friend and I made the most of the evening sun by climbing Jubilee Climb on Dinas Mot. The route was bathed in the evening sunlight, and was a varied and enjoyable climb, with delicate slabs (my favourite bit!) and strenuous jamming cracks (yuk!). Knowing it would be a long evening I put my head torch in my chalk bag and tied my shoes to the back of my harness. What I should also have done was eaten something before starting out - I find I need to eat very regularly or I get dizzy and very ratty! The sunset was gorgeous and we topped out about 9:30 pm. Finding the abseil off proved tricky, and knowing there were 2 abseils in a dark gully we decided to walk off the long way. About halfway along the walk off I felt decidedly despondent thinking we would "never" find our way down and would be wandering around in the dark "forever". Luckily I know that for me this negative thinking is borne out of low blood sugar so I didnt take it too seriously, but I always think its interesting what the brain chatters about in moments of stress. Of course it was totally unrealistic to think I would "never" get down - what, never!!! and that I would be stuck up there "forever"!! Catastrophising like this is one of the things our brains do, and because our thoughts can seem quite powerful, as though they are us (rather than a part of us) we can get sucked into believing them. Think about the number of times you say "I'll never be able to do X move/ route" . Is that really true? Or do we really mean, we can't do it right now? Or perhaps we haven't even tried yet. I think this relates back to a previous post about adopting an open and curious attitude, rather than writing yourself off before you start.